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Calling all quince lovers!


Five years ago, quince was just a lovely word, and I couldn't have picked out a knobbly specimen in a line-up. But then How to Eat lived for a long time on my bedside table, and more recently I ogled Melissa's gems and began daydreaming about quince champagne cocktails. And so on a recent morning, my heart beat faster on spotting a colleague's free crate of organic quince advertised on the company intranet, and I leapt to accept. After reading about quince bought for $1 or $1.99 per fruit, I felt like a king cramming two kilograms into my backpack before heading home.

The house is fragrant (pungent, David would say) with the mysterious pleasing pineapple/nutmeg scent. Over the last couple of nights I've made a robust batch of quince paste, and plan to do a quince variation on the Verlet tart this weekend.

But this will make just a dent in my supply, and while quinces are hardy, I think it's only sensible to pass on the largesse and offer some fruit to a good home. So, dear readers, please email me at the link to the left or leave a comment, and we'll work out the details of when and where. I'm happy to advise quince novices, and will even throw in a piece of my membrillo for good measure...


It's runcible I can't figure out.

Oh, cryptic Jimmy! Thankfully Wikipedia revealed all.

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